1 min read

So it begins...

Top of the morning to ya. It's 9:42 am, and I'm at my desk, feeling pumped.

It's not just the Sidamo pour-over, either... because today is the start of something new.

I decided to start writing a daily email (well, 6 days a week—I'll chill on Saturdays)... for 30 days.

I've kicked around the daily email idea for a while. But it always felt too daunting.

But my desire to: 1) Get better at writing emails for myself (not clients) and 2) Grow my list—now outweighs the fear.

So I'm doing it.

Like Mark Manson said,

It takes a lot of writing and experimentation for each person to find their own individual style and voice... But when you blog, you need to go through this process in a very public way. Which is awkward. And kind of embarrassing... But you need to be able to stomach this.

I think Mark is spot on. So what's the takeaway here?

If you want to get really good at some creative endeavor, go all-in. F*ck the fear.

So here's to day #1 of this little experiment.

29 more to go.
