1 min read

My #1 Regret as a Copywriter

In 2025, the internet is absolutely chock-full of copywriters.

Ever since Covid, seemingly everyone and their grandmother discovered it was a thing.

The market isn't just saturated at this point - it's drowning.

To stand a snowball's chance in Hades of standing out, you need one thing above all else: proof.

Proof isn't some mysterious force that only the chosen few can access. It's simply a record of what you've already done.

Like a photographer building their portfolio—every good shot becomes gets added, building evidence of expertise. Copywriting works the same way.

Now, here's what I wish I could tell my younger self (and what I'm telling you now):

Start stacking proof. Today. Not tomorrow, not next week, not "when I get better." Start hoarding it like a dragon piling up gold, because for copywriters, proof IS gold.

When I was a copywriter at Golden Hippo, I made a rookie mistake: I never took screenshots of my results, like sales numbers and split-test metrics.

No biggie now, of course. But having that proof would have been mega-helpful when I first hung out my copywriter shingle.

The results you get today are the proof that sells your offer tomorrow. If you don't capture that proof, it's like it never happened.

If you're waiting for a sign to start hoarding proof, here 'tis. Document every win, no matter how small. Better yet, screenshot it. Start piling up that gold.

And here's the cool part... as you stack up your proof, it starts to compound. Each piece makes getting the next one easier.

Before you know it, you're not just another copywriter in the crowd. You're the one with receipts to back up all your claims.

In this business, that's what separates the pros from the pretenders.